Tips — Collect Files from Non

2018年10月10日—AccessforgueststouploadtoDrive...Hi,.Ihavecreatedalinkforsharing,whereeveryone(anonymous)caneditinthesharedfolder.My ...,2018年10月8日—Highightthesharedfolderyouwanttohaveusersuploadto,andclickonActionandthenCreatefilerequesttogets...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Access for guests to upload to Drive

2018年10月10日 — Access for guests to upload to Drive ... Hi,. I have created a link for sharing, where everyone (anonymous) can edit in the shared folder. My ...

Best way for people to remotely upload files to my NAS?

2018年10月8日 — Highight the shared folder you want to have users upload to, and click on Action and then Create file request to get started. Comment.

Create File Requests

To upload files: · Open the given URL on the local computer or a mobile device (Android or iOS). Enter the password if it is required. · On the upload page, enter ...

Create File Requests | File Station

With file request links, everyone can directly upload multiple files to File Station on your Synology NAS, without the need of owning corresponding user ...

How to make guest upload to Photo Station?

2021年6月10日 — Dear Pro, I have heard from my co-worker that he can upload photos to Photo Station album (maybe album) to make a photo competition contest.

Synology Drive public link uploading files possible?

2020年3月27日 — Hi. If I share a folder in Synology Drive, and set permissions to Public - Anyone with the link can edit, should a guest (so no login or ...

What is the most secure way to let a friend upload photos ...

2022年6月15日 — If you want to allow other people to upload files, rather than the regular automatic upload feature like Synology Photos.

What's the best way to make it possible for a guest user ...

2023年5月22日 — r/synology icon. Go to synology · r/synology 1 ... What's the best way to make it possible for a guest user to upload ... Synology over the Internet ...


2018年10月10日—AccessforgueststouploadtoDrive...Hi,.Ihavecreatedalinkforsharing,whereeveryone(anonymous)caneditinthesharedfolder.My ...,2018年10月8日—Highightthesharedfolderyouwanttohaveusersuploadto,andclickonActionandthenCreatefilerequesttogetstarted.Comment.,Touploadfiles:·OpenthegivenURLonthelocalcomputeroramobiledevice(AndroidoriOS).Enterthepasswordifitisrequired.·Ontheuploadpage,enter .....